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Best Starter Kitten Pack

Starter pack for your new kitten

Best Starter Kitten Pack

Starter pack for your new kitten

BEST STARTER KITTEN PACK (from 9 weeks of age)

We all love our kittens and here at Chestnut Vets, we want to help you get them started on the road to being a happy and healthy pet.

We are offering a Best Starter Kitten Pack which includes:

  • A full health check
  • A course of two vaccinations to provide initial protection against Cat ‘flu, Enteritis +/- Feline Leukaemia Virus
  • A spot on treatment which provides a full month’s protection against fleas, ticks and worms
  • A health check with a vet when your kitten is 6 months of age
  • Microchipping - including registration of the microchip with a central database
  • A £10 discount voucher towards neutering at our surgery

Cost of complete package is only £120.00

Please contact us to book your appointment today!